Gemma Collins might not instantly seem like the best business mentor, but take it from me, there are a few things you can learn from Essex’s finest about running a business….
Love her or hate her, you’ve definitely heard of her! Gemma Collins is the ultimate in being a diva. I’ve had fortunately been introduced to her and had few nights out together, which certainly proved it to me!
Be yourself
The GC is loud, brash, and larger than life – what you see is what you get, and she makes no apologies for who she is. Remind you of anyone??!

I’ve not got where I am today by pretending to be anything that I’m not, and neither should you. People will see right through you if you try to bullshit that you’re something you’re not. The same applies to business. Be honest and authentic in what you do, and the right audience for you or your product will be much easier to engage.
Always be looking for the next opportunity
The GC has seized every opportunity that comes her way. From reality TV to talk shows to writing books to game shows to singing – she’s tried it. Not everything has gone perfectly, but the point is, she’s always looking for the next thing. There’s no looking back or sitting still hoping that people will still pay attention to her. The GC goes out of her way to make sure that wherever there’s the chance to be front and centre, she takes it, even if she needs to find funding for the new business.
In business, you can’t sit back and think that business is going to be booming because of something you did three years ago. Always be looking for the next challenge, the next medium to use to talk about what you’re doing and reach new audiences. It’s down to YOU to make sure that your prospects and customers can’t forget you!
Ignore the haters
Ok, so not everyone has positive things to say about the GC!! For every piece of positive press coverage she gets, you can guarantee there’ll be a negative one too. She’s rubbed people up the wrong way, failed, fallen over on TV and generally fucked up a few things, but do you think she gives a shit?! Not in the slightest! She’s the GC!

You need a really thick skin to survive in the media, especially when you’re in the public eye all the time, speaking in public and at corporate events. It’s no different in business. If you’re constantly pushing yourself, you are guaranteed to make mistakes and fail from time to time. The trick is to not let fear of failing, or of what people will say about you hold you back from trying!
You’ll always get some dickhead who’s never achieved anything in life trying to tell you what they would do better than you if they had the chance. Pay no attention, and keep on moving forwards!
Believe in yourself/confidence
How confident are you in your own ability to succeed?! If Gemma Collins can make millions, is there any reason why you can’t too?!

What she has going for her is an absolutely bulletproof self-belief that she can make things happen. When it comes to your business, you need this same attitude. If you go into business doubting yourself, or thinking you’re going to fail – you will! I know how much your mindset affects what you achieve, so if you want to get the big money coming in, you’ve got to believe in yourself and what you’re doing.
What you CAN do is make sure you’ve got the right skills to back it all up, but that’s one for another time..!
I’ve interviewed loads of incredible business leaders and celebrities over on my Podcast and YouTube channel about what it took them to be a success. Check them out, and see what else you need to be doing to grow your business!
Learn Business From… Gemma Collins!
Gemma Collins might not instantly seem like the best business mentor, but take it from me, there are a few things you can learn from Essex’s finest about running a business….
Love her or hate her, you’ve definitely heard of her! Gemma Collins is the ultimate in being a diva. I’ve had fortunately been introduced to her and had few nights out together, which certainly proved it to me!
Be yourself
The GC is loud, brash, and larger than life – what you see is what you get, and she makes no apologies for who she is. Remind you of anyone??!
I’ve not got where I am today by pretending to be anything that I’m not, and neither should you. People will see right through you if you try to bullshit that you’re something you’re not. The same applies to business. Be honest and authentic in what you do, and the right audience for you or your product will be much easier to engage.
Always be looking for the next opportunity
The GC has seized every opportunity that comes her way. From reality TV to talk shows to writing books to game shows to singing – she’s tried it. Not everything has gone perfectly, but the point is, she’s always looking for the next thing. There’s no looking back or sitting still hoping that people will still pay attention to her. The GC goes out of her way to make sure that wherever there’s the chance to be front and centre, she takes it, even if she needs to find funding for the new business.
In business, you can’t sit back and think that business is going to be booming because of something you did three years ago. Always be looking for the next challenge, the next medium to use to talk about what you’re doing and reach new audiences. It’s down to YOU to make sure that your prospects and customers can’t forget you!
Ignore the haters
Ok, so not everyone has positive things to say about the GC!! For every piece of positive press coverage she gets, you can guarantee there’ll be a negative one too. She’s rubbed people up the wrong way, failed, fallen over on TV and generally fucked up a few things, but do you think she gives a shit?! Not in the slightest! She’s the GC!
You need a really thick skin to survive in the media, especially when you’re in the public eye all the time, speaking in public and at corporate events. It’s no different in business. If you’re constantly pushing yourself, you are guaranteed to make mistakes and fail from time to time. The trick is to not let fear of failing, or of what people will say about you hold you back from trying!
You’ll always get some dickhead who’s never achieved anything in life trying to tell you what they would do better than you if they had the chance. Pay no attention, and keep on moving forwards!
Believe in yourself/confidence
How confident are you in your own ability to succeed?! If Gemma Collins can make millions, is there any reason why you can’t too?!
What she has going for her is an absolutely bulletproof self-belief that she can make things happen. When it comes to your business, you need this same attitude. If you go into business doubting yourself, or thinking you’re going to fail – you will! I know how much your mindset affects what you achieve, so if you want to get the big money coming in, you’ve got to believe in yourself and what you’re doing.
What you CAN do is make sure you’ve got the right skills to back it all up, but that’s one for another time..!
I’ve interviewed loads of incredible business leaders and celebrities over on my Podcast and YouTube channel about what it took them to be a success. Check them out, and see what else you need to be doing to grow your business!
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