Top Five Tips for a Better Social Media Presence – from Moe Money, leading social influencer manager


Smartphone showing a variety of social media apps including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

You couldn’t find a more appropriately named man than Moe Money. As someone who moved to Dubai back in 2013, he’s been smashing social media since way back in 2015 and doing rather well for himself. So, he knows a few things about making waves.

 Recently I had a chat with him on my podcast about his name (of course) and how he came to become one of the biggest social media movers and shakers in the business. But I also got the chance to pick his brains. In my role as an entrepreneur, and as someone who speaks to a lot of other entrepreneurs looking to move up in the world, one of the questions I get asked as a business consultant is ‘how can I get more from social media? Is there a silver bullet? What’s the one thing I need to do next? I put this to Moe. Unsurprisingly he said there isn’t one single thing, but a few. So here are his top five ways to improve social media presence and maximise your impact. 

Be consistent, be persistent


There’s a real myth that a single post can smash through, that one lucky piece of content is enough to launch a glittering social media career. And yes, you can look at some influencers and social media accounts and see a point in time when they burst onto the scene. But can you simply achieve that with a single post? In general, the answer is no. For Moe there are two key habits that lead to success. Be consistent. Be Persistent. That means, stick to what you know and what your passion is. Don’t follow what you think will work simply based on what you see other people do. Focus on your niche and stick at it! 

Maximise quantity, until you find the quality


I asked Moe how often to post – it’s a common question. We are all busy people and sometimes we simply need to know what we need to do – one post, two, three? Moe is adamant. Go for quantity first. So, you need to post as often as you possibly can – the more the better. But always look at what gets the response from your followers, watch what works – that’s the quality. Then work as hard as you can to replicate that. 

Don’t copy people, but build on what they do


You can’t just copy someone. It just doesn’t work like that. The rule of social media is that difference always wins. Uniqueness gets traction. And copycat posts tend to fail. But Moe reckons that is no reason not to look at what other people are doing, look at how you can adapt and add to what they do, take an idea and make it fresh. Study other people and learn from it. You can’t waste time watching other people’s success, but you will need to make it your own.  

Know your niche, know your audience


We all have passions. And I am the first to say that you have to have a passion to be truly successful. Because you need to find that energy, that drive to succeed. I know this is true, having started businesses and succeeded in them myself. That passion is your big advantage. Moe agrees, he says you need to stay in your lane, but don’t just invest in your area of expertise – look at your audience. What are they liking, sharing, commenting on – who do they follow and what are they doing… Look at what excites them and see how your posts can copy that effect.

Look for change


Social media is always on the move. As soon as one reaches what seems like dominance, something else seems to move up. As high-profile people are cancelled off one platform, they seek out alternatives and suddenly, there is a spike in interest there too. Look at the way Rumble has been impacted by Andrew Tate getting cancelled from Twitter and moving over to Rumble. Suddenly there is traction there – look out for the changes, look out for what’s new and up and coming, that’s the only way you’ll stay relevant and engaged. 

Moe Money has made a name for himself working at the cutting edge of social media, managing influencers and building a fantastic following. A lot of what he says is like so much else in business- and topics that I’ve covered many times in my talks and podcasts – find you passion, stay focussed, learn from other people’s mistakes, and keep an eye on what is new. Take this advice and someday soon you’ll be succeeding in your chosen field, and your social will have been an important part of that journey. 

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Jeremy Baker

Jeremy's unique ability to meld analytical insights with engaging storytelling is what sets him apart and makes his pieces both informative and captivating.

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