Join us as we uncover the musical journey of Keith Duffy, from the beginnings of Boyzone to his personal struggles and triumphs. Delve into the dynamics of the band, including Louis Walsh’s wild accusations and confidence-shattering personality, their memorable moments on tour, and Keith’s advocacy for autism awareness. Don’t miss this insightful episode filled with candid conversations and heartfelt reflection.
0:00 – Intro
2:39 – Where did it all begin?
12:29 – Going on the Late Show as a New Band with no Music Yet
14:38 – What Happened to the 6th Guy?
20:55 – How long did it take from auditioning to releasing a record? And what was Louis Walsh’s role?
26:20 – How does the dynamic work in the band?
38:06 – Stephen Gately Passing
43:54 – Going to see U2 in America on Tour
48:40 – Detour Story – Boyzone One Off Tour in Sumer 2015
51:46 – I wanted to do a one man show
53:46 – Working with Brian
58:16 – Going from the Big stuff to the Little stuff
01:03:04 – AJ from Backstreet Boys and Joey from NSync Working Together
01:05:47 – The Fear of Failure on Trying New Things and not being able to go back. E.g. TV to Hollywood and back
01:09:43 – American vs UK Soap
01:13:45 – When did you start to see the money in Boyzone?
01:16:07 – Were you given an actual wage?
01:20:12 – Keith’s Children – Jay and Mia
01:22:33 – Mia’s Diagnosis for Autism
01:33:05 – Conclusion
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As an entrepreneur, investor, funding expert and mentor who has been building and growing businesses for both myself and my clients for more than 20 years, my fundamental principles are suitable for all industries and businesses of all stages and size.
I’m constantly involved in funding and advising multiple business ventures and successful entrepreneurs.
My goal is to help YOU achieve YOUR financial success! I know how to spot and nurture great business opportunities and as someone who has ‘been there and got the t-shirt’ many times, overall strategies and advice are honest, tangible and grounded in reality.