How to Start a Business Podcast (Ultimate Guide)

Today both people and businesses are media companies which means to take advantage of the digital landscape we must be producing content at scale, one of the best ways to do this is by producing podcasts. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just dipping your toes into the corporate world, understanding how to start a business podcast can be a game-changer in communicating your brand’s message and establishing industry authority


What Is a Business Podcast?


A business podcast is an audio or video show, often episodic in nature, that focuses on topics related to business, entrepreneurship, or industry trends.

They are an effective way for companies to share insights, discuss industry news, and engage with their target audience on a deeper level.



Benefits of Starting a Business Podcast


It only makes sense for someone who starts a podcast series to share the benefits with you

  1. Building Authority: A well-produced podcast can position you as an industry expert.
  2. Networking: Regularly interviewing guests can expand your professional network.
  3. Engagement: Podcasts are an intimate way to communicate with your audience.
  4. Content Repurposing: Audio content can be converted into blogs, videos, or social media posts.



Steps on How to Start a Business Podcast




Choosing a Podcast Topic, Length & Format


Begin by identifying a niche or gap in the market. Consider your target audience’s pain points and interests.

Decide on the length of each episode, keeping in mind both your content and your audience’s preferences. Lastly, choose a format – will it be interview-based, solo episodes, or a mix?



Choose Your Equipment


While the best podcast equipment will provide great audio and visual sound the audience is here for your storytelling, quality content and guests so don’t break the bank.

There are many budget-friendly options available that offer good sound quality.

Upgrading to higher-quality microphones, advanced editing software, and professional soundproofing should be a priority when the business starts to make money.

Such reinvestments not only demonstrate a commitment to delivering superior content but also position the podcast for greater growth and success in an increasingly competitive market.



Make Sure You Actually Have Experience in the Field


Business podcasts are one of the unique fields in which the audience is expecting lessons from guests who are actually doing business or have had success.

Demonstrating expertise assures your audience that the insights and advice you’re offering are rooted in real-world scenarios which is crucial.

If they wanted the information from anybody they could sit through a university lecture, however, they have chosen to give you their time, make it worth it.

If you are not in the position that’s fine too, your podcast should then be able to interview those who have.



Invite Guests


A well-prepared guest can enrich the conversation, challenge prevailing ideas, and contribute to the growth and reputation of your podcast in the long run.

Inviting guests to your business podcast can significantly elevate the value and appeal of your episodes.

By incorporating diverse voices and perspectives, you can offer listeners fresh insights, nuanced discussions, and a broader understanding of topics.

Moreover, guests often bring their own audience with them, potentially expanding your reach and subscriber base. It’s crucial, however, to curate your guest list carefully.



Record, Edit, and Produce


Once you’ve got your content planned and your equipment ready, it’s time to hit the record button. After recording, spend time editing to ensure high audio quality and a professional finish.



Promote Your Podcast


You could have the best business podcast on God green earth but if no one knows you exist it will fall on deaf ears.

Of course, you won’t have many listeners when you 1st start but there should be an upward trajectory, 5 listens this week, 10 next and 15 after that.



Here’s how you promote the podcast


Email Newsletters: Build an email list and send regular newsletters updating subscribers about new episodes and providing exclusive content.


Collaborate with Other Podcasters: Guest on other podcasts or invite them to yours. Mutual promotions can help tap into each other’s audiences.


Optimise for Search: Just as with websites, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is crucial for podcasts. Ensure episode titles, descriptions, and your podcast website are optimised for relevant keywords.


Run Paid Advertisements: Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Google Ads to promote your podcast to a targeted audience.


Attend Podcasting Conferences: Networking with fellow podcasters and industry professionals can provide promotional opportunities and collaborations.



Final Words


Can You Make Money With Podcasting?

One of the 1st things people think about when it comes to knowing How to Start a Business Podcast is the money! Can I make money doing so? That’s a legitimate question

Yes, once you have a steady audience, there are several monetisation options such as sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and premium content.


Just Start with What You Have

You actually have everything you need right now in your pocket to start a podcast. In technology today smartphones mean you can record, edit and publish.

Waiting for the perfect setup can lead to unnecessary delays. Starting with what you have encourages immediate action, ensuring that your idea doesn’t lose momentum or remain just a concept.


Are Podcasts Protected by Copyright in the UK?

Yes, in the UK, podcasts are protected under copyright law. This means that the creator has the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and adapt their work. It’s essential to always seek permission before using someone else’s content.



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Picture of Jeremy Baker

Jeremy Baker

Jeremy's unique ability to meld analytical insights with engaging storytelling is what sets him apart and makes his pieces both informative and captivating.

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