How To Promote Your Business on Facebook for Free


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In this article, I’ll talk you through how to promote your business on Facebook for free – something many small businesses aren’t yet doing!

One of the great things about Facebook is you can use it for your benefit, whether you’re starting a small business from your front room or you’re a huge multi-national corporation with big marketing budgets. You don’t have to chuck loads of money at Mr Zuckerberg and Co. to achieve your goals, either. Here are my top Facebook ideas for promoting your small business on Facebook!


Ideas to promote your business on Facebook

create a separate business page

In contrast to your Instagram strategy, where I often suggest you combine your personal and business pages into one profile, on Facebook, it’s vital to create a separate business page from your profile. A Facebook business page is packed with features that are just not available on your regular profile, and these are essential to make the most out of your online strategy. Paid ads, the ability to invite people to follow you and the ability to showcase your products for sale are just some of the features available to you. It’s really easy to set up – just spend some time on it, so it looks accessible, professional and not too cluttered. This is the perfect free platform for your business, so it needs to look great and not have any typos!!

Publicise your events

Hosting a webinar or are you a corporate event speaker somewhere? Add it to the events feature and invite friends and people in the groups you’re in. You can even see how many people RSVP and get feedback after the event!

Reach out to people

Are you a fan or admirer of someone’s work? Reach out to them on Facebook! Many people check their Facebook messages more regularly than their email. They are also more likely to respond to Facebook messages. This is a great way of linking up with other people in your field and even people in other sectors who you are highly unlikely to have just bumped into in the street. Network, build a relationship and hopefully do business!

Stream video with Facebook Live

The intimacy and immediacy of live video create the sense for your viewers that they are getting a behind-the-scenes peek at the real you – as well as enticing them to stick around to watch much longer than they would a regular post, because of the unpredictability of live video. I recently did a coronavirus special while eating cereal in my kitchen! The numbers weren’t huge but that doesn’t matter – people who did engage will now feel a real link with me as I responded to their comments and questions…and the video will stay on my page forever for even more people to watch in the future.

Engage with people authentically

One of the major strengths of social media marketing is its ability to create relationships between businesses and their audiences. The person-to-person interaction that can happen on social media makes consumers feel that they have encountered a brand in a meaningful way and that they now have a special connection with that company. So imagine how much this feeling is intensified when that consumer is interacting not just with the brand but the person behind that brand!

I try and respond to every single message I get – well, apart from the really rude ones! I’m pleased to say I don’t get too many of these! Yes, it’s time-consuming, but why would you ignore people who have taken the time to respond to your content? Think of it in a real-life, offline situation. If someone came up to you and said, “I enjoyed that video you did”, you wouldn’t say nothing, turn away and walk off, would you? You’d thank them and chat with them! That’s how you should treat online interactions – and not enough people do.

It will take time and effort, but eventually, you will have built a community of engaged followers who like and respect what you do and your business – and all for free! If you don’t already promote your business on facebook, there’s no time like the present.

As you can see, promoting your business on Facebook is very similar to promoting it in other ways – making connections, developing relationships, and sharing your knowledge with others. You just have to know the right strategies to be able to continue to do so for free.

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Picture of Matt Haycox

Matt Haycox

Matt Haycox is a self-made entrepreneur who began his career revitalising a family uniform business. Despite experiencing bankruptcy during the 2008 financial crisis, he rebounded strongly. Today, he is a serial investor and lender, having invested in over 30 businesses and provided £750m of funding to UK businesses. His journey has transformed him from borrower to lender, and from operator to advisor, using his experience to assist other businesses and entrepreneurs

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