Pre-orders total $750M for world’s first certified flying car
Californian-based firm Alef Aeronautics reveals it has

Top Tips for Making Big Money in E-Commerce
In 2023, the e-commerce industry is predicted

STRATEGY: Is A Rebrand Worth The Money?
With Twitter being the latest high-profile corporate

AI: Struggling to Millions “It can be quite tricky”
Tech entrepreneur Leslie Kanthan has spent the

AI Advantages: Five Reasons to be Cheerful and Ignore the Naysayers
With all kinds of doom and gloom

The Scoop on Google Bard AI: 7 Revelations You Can’t Ignore
After spending some time interviewing Chat GPT

THE BIG PICTURE: 5 Ways AI Can Boost The Bottom Line
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) dominates the headlines,

How to Make Money with AI in 2025
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the way

First 5G iPhone expected at Apple online event Sept 15
Apple on Tuesday fired off invitations

Samsung wins US$6.6 billion Verizon 5G order
Samsung Electronics clinched a $6.6 billion agreement

Samsung heir charged with fraud over succession-linked deal
Lee Jae-yong, vice chairman of Samsung Electronics,

New Amazon health wristband gauges happiness and stress levels
Amazon has unveiled a wristband that goes

Continuation of Potential TikTok and Microsoft Deal
Microsoft is back on track to acquire

Virgin to Build a Supersonic Aeroplane with Rolls-Royce
Virgin Galactic and Rolls-Royce have partnered to
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